Monday, September 13, 2010

Where We Are

Last week, I blogged about the Season of Waiting Brandon & I have found ourselves in for the last few months. Since this last blog, a few substantial events have taken place. I mentioned then that I was waiting to hear from the School System about my application I had pulled for an open position. A few days later, I received a phone call from them requesting an interview. The next day, I met the panel and had my interview. It went well. However, a week later, after an additional week of waiting, we learned that I was not chosen for the position. I cannot say that I took the loss peacefully and with understanding, because I certainly did not. Don't get me wrong, I didn't pitch a fit at Central Office or anything, but I did shed a tear or two... or.... :)

Through this the Lord is reminding me that He has a plan AND a time to reveal that plan to me. I may not have received a teaching job within the time I would have wanted, but again, this is a reminder that God's timing is not my timing.

As I wait (but not as diligently as I have been), I am incredibly thankful for the job that I do have. I don't ever want to come across as though I am not. I feel as though the fact that I have a job, even without getting a teaching position, is yet, just another way God prooves His provision.

So for now, you will find me in the window of the theatre prepared to serve you for all your ticketing needs. :)


  1. You're fantastic. So sorry things didn't turn out like you wanted. Hang in there... the best is yet to come :)

  2. and might i add... you are the coolest... ticket girl that anyone could ever ask for... love you...

  3. It quite alright, waiting makes us learn to be patient, learn to trust, learn to lean fully on God's understanding....although we might not be understanding at the time.
    This too shall pass and you are going to be fantastic at whatever you do!
    love you
