Monday, September 6, 2010

"Eat Less & Exercise More"

Brandon has been working very hard to lose weight. In April, he began really watching what he ate and began exercising. I want to show off his work! I took the first picture from a blog I posted in September 2009. The second picture, I took over the weekend, just so I could put them side by side. I took the second picture with my phone, so it didn't turn out as well as I hoped, however, you can definitely see the difference.

When people ask Brandon how he lost the weight, his answer is, "Eat less & exercises more" and it is so the truth. I am proud of all his hard work and determination.

Brandon has lost around 40 pounds and I am oh-so proud of him!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! Good job, Brandon! :)

    "Eat less, exercise more" - it's so simple, yet I still struggle to do it!
