Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mother's Day Luncheon

Sandy asked me a couple weeks ago if I would join her at a Mother's Day Luncheon, she had been invited to speak at. This luncheon was going to be a Mother/Daughter Luncheon put together by a local church's WMU group, to celebrate Mother's Day and the women in our lives. Honored to go, Brooke and I went along to support and cheer Sandy on.

The speakers at this luncheon were all mothers of triplets. Mrs. White, Sandy, and Ashley Roper were all there to share stories and experiences they have had in raising triplets.

Mrs. White, told of her experience of already having three girls and then learning that she was expecting triplet girls. As I sat listening to her, I wondered of all the stories that she could tell me that her time allotment would not allow. From the beginning of her story, she gave credit to two people: Jesus and her husband. She was adamant in praising Jesus for providing strength when she did not have any of her own and praising her husband for being her partner, her companion and the spiritual leader of their family.

Sandy, did a great job. She shared about learning that she was expecting triplets; two boys and one girl. Not until the day the triplets were born did she find out that there were three boys, no girls. She shared stories of the boys as they were growing up. In several ways, she and Mrs. White could share the same experiences, but there were so many more experiences that were different as Mrs. White raised girls, Sandy raised boys.

Ashley, a young mother of three boys, got up to speak. Her stories were different simply because she has 2 year old triplets, whereas Mrs. White's and Sandy's triplets were grown. In her voice, you could hear determination and perseverance. She was sweet in her words and thankful for the help that so many had invested. I am certain she is a great mommy to her boys and they will grow up to be wonderful young men because of the investment that she and her husband have provided.

The White Sisters. Theresa, Tammy, & Tamara

Sandy, Ashley, Mrs. White

Me & Brooke


  1. I would've loved to hear what those ladies had to say!

  2. I'm sure that all three of those mothers have some wild stories!

    It looks like it was fun!

  3. Nancy! Congratulations on graduating :) We were totally thinking we'd try to drop by tonight, but Scott has spent the majority of the day so far in bed sick, so we won't make it :( But we are thinking of you!!
