In April, my Papaw & Mamaw celebrated their 64th Anniversary! Moma had organized an all-day-get-together for them on April 25th. Papaw is 94 years old and it is hard on him to have everyone there all at the same time. So people came and went all day long so that Papaw wouldn't be so tired at the end of the day. They enjoyed the company as most everyone in the family had come by throughout the day. I wasn't able to be there because I was working at the theatre, however, I am glad Natasha gave me these pictures to put on the blog.
Papaw & Mamaw, Grady & Betty Holland are my daddy's parents. Papaw will be celebrating his 95th birthday on June 28th of this year. He served during WW2 and can share story after story of his time in the military, coming home, getting married, and starting a family. He has stories that very few people have ever experienced, much less be able to share. Mamaw, a spunky woman, always with a story to share and a dance in her step, the two are quite the pair.
I know that my life would not be the same without them and I appreciate the investment they have so willingly poured not only into myself, but into the life of our family. Papaw & Mamaw have 4 children, 12 grandchildren, & this month will their 18th great grandchild will be born!
When Brandon & I told Papaw & Mamaw that we were getting married, Papaw sat in his chair, looked up, and gave us his advice to a successful marriage - "Nancy, You have to take a little and give a whole lot more."
Happy Anniversary Papaw & Mamaw.
McKenzie digs into a piece of cake.
Notice on both pieces; the icing is gone FIRST
That is amazing advice. So true! 64 years... WOW. That is truly something to be celebrated!