While we were gone on vacation, McKenzie's class had their
Pre-School Graduation. As I shared before, McKenzie began attending
pre-school at
Trimont in January of this year. Since she was beginning in the middle of the year, although she is 3, they placed her in the 4 year old classroom. So all her classmates were graduating
pre-school and they allowed McKenzie to participate.
McK will have her
real graduation next year, but it was super nice of Mrs. Carolyn to let
McK celebrate with her friends. She will stay with Mrs. Carolyn next year for her final year of
pre-school and will then celebrate along with her friends as they graduate and head off to "big school".
McKenzie was all dressed ready to go to her graduation when her
Mamaw Joyce brought her a new outfit. It wasn't one for the graduation, just an outfit she had found and brought it to
McK. When McKenzie saw it, the dress was off and the new outfit was on. Natasha tried to get her to wear her dress, but it wasn't happening.
You just have to know McKenzie, but these pictures
portray her pretty well. She is a diva at heart and loves to perform.
Pre-School Graduation 2010
McKenzie, in the middle, waiting for the go-ahead to sing & dance.
"Purple Violets" was McKenzie's part
Walking in.
Maddie & McKenzie
Sweet girl.
Mrs. Carolyn & McKenzie
We are proud of McKenzie and we look forward to another graduation next year!
so so so so CUTE!