I am grateful for what God has enabled me to do for Him. I have been able to serve in Malaysia, Thailand, and Morocco. I am married to my very best friend, the love of my life, Brandon. We have a place we call "home" and make memories everyday. God has provided a way for me to finish my degree and I will be graduating in May 2010. There is so much to be thankful for.
We did not only celebrate my birthday on Tuesday, but we also celebrated my nephew's birthday as well. Lucas and I have become extremely close within his 4 years of life. He has changed my heart and gives me a new perspective on life each day. My prayer for this little man in my life is that he will grow up to be like David, and God will say of him, "this is a man after my own heart."
I have pictures from our little gathering this week.
Lucas getting ready to blow out his birthday candles.
McKenzie was excited about getting a piece of cake AND ice cream.
Then McKenzie wanted a turn to try it out.
Lucas loving on Natasha.
He loves his tractors from McKenzie and Natasha.
This is us...minus Natasha who is taking the picture and Lucas...we couldn't pull him away from his cake to get in the picture with us. McKenzie is the one who wanted to take a picture with "evweebody". She even told us where to sit. You can see the excitement in her face....
We had a good time celebrating the birthdays and spending time with our families.
Yea for birthdays!! Happy birthday to you, sweet Nancy. God IS good and I'm glad for a friend like you who reminds me often. :)