Friday, April 23, 2010

Something is Stirring. Change is Coming.

This time last year, Brandon and I realized that there would be a lot of change occurring in our lives within the next 12 - 18 months. Within a year of that time, I would be graduating from college (which is now 2 weeks away), I would finally have the degree I had set out to achieve, for the first time in our married life, I would get a full time job, we would be making new goals as we would be able to look past a graduation date and look into a future that we have only dreamt about since September 29, 2007, our wedding day.
Since that time, we have been faced with very little change and I had began to think we wouldn't be faced with as much change as we had originally thought, until....
The last few weeks, even for a month now, there has been a restlessness in my heart. As to why, I am not sure. The best way I can describe this feeling is that there is a stirring, an unsettling sense that leaves me questioning what I am doing to serve Christ and am I really following Him as He longs for me to. To be completely honest, I have been hesitant in admitting that this unsettling feeling even occurs, knowing that once I do, I have the responsibility to following it to its end, and I can't help but question as to whether or not I am fully prepared to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
There has been so much on my heart for the past few months. In some ways, my heart is rejoicing, in other ways, it is torn. There are so many questions that have been flooding my heart and capturing my mind, leaving me to search for answers that I am beginning to wonder if they even exist. "What if...", "But then...", "Can we...", "What about...", "Where would...", "Who will...", "How can...", and "Why can't..." have been conversation starters between Brandon and I for a while now. The thing is, a year ago when we knew we could expect a significant amount of change occurring in our lives, it was all change that would be products of our own decision making. Now, I am understanding that the change that I feel is near, in one way or another, is only and completely the product of a plan that was set into motion long before now. I am convinced that King Jesus has invited us to be a part of something bigger than any of ourselves, requiring change to occur in our lives so that we will live more like Him so that others may know Him.
Although at this point, the answers we are seeking are not clear, we do know that we can pray expectantly that the God of the Universe will hear our prayers to take us from where we are and lead us to where He wants us to be.
Regardless to the emotion of my heart, I cannot deny the sense that Jesus is drawing me closer to Him, preparing me for something 'just beyond the bend'.

1 comment:

  1. I am really looking forward to seeing what the Lord has planned for you and Brandon. You are both amazing people and your love for Jesus is so evident. I am so thankful that you've come into our lives!
