Monday, August 24, 2009

Teacher By Day...Student By Night

Last week, I began working at Cartoogechaye Elementary School with my Host Teacher on the Teacher Workdays. I have really enjoyed this last week - getting to know Angie, preparing for students, and getting an inside look at what really goes on behind the scenes. I have been way excited about this coming week.
Today, I went to Cartoogechaye for half a day and then it was time to go to WCU to begin a new semester - my last fall semester.

I am looking forward to this semester at WCU and Cartoogechaye. It will definitely prove to be a busy one, however, the amount that I will learn within the next three months of my life will enable to be become an educator that will help students recognize their dreams and potential, leading them to a future of success.

On the way to WCU today, I was able to reflect on how I have reached this point:
When Brandon and I got married in September of 2007, I was working at Macon Bank as a full-time teller. In November of that same year, Brandon began serving as Associate Pastor at Holly Springs Baptist Church. We were getting used to the new roles that we had taken on within a short amount of time. In January, only 4 months after getting married, Brandon and I felt as though the Lord had opened a door for me to go back to school and complete my teaching degree - something I had began but never finished. I quit my job at the bank and enrolled at WCU as a full-time student.

I am so incredibly thankful that God has been oh so faithful to us in the ways we have watched. I'm looking forward to the coming months regardless to how busy and overwhelming it may seem at times. In the end, what matters is that I do everything to my best ability so that God will be glorified and King Jesus is exalted.

Wish me luck as I meet my 19 2nd graders tomorrow! It's going to be a great year!


  1. I love hearing how the Lord works! how did it go today w/ your 2nd graders? You are a brave woman! :)

  2. 2nd grade was a BLAST today. I am thankful for Angie who has already invested in me so much. She really treats me as though I am her teaching partner and includes me with the day's agenda. For this, I am grateful.
    Although 2nd grade was great, I cannot say the same for WCU. It has become extremely overwhelming. Especially my Computers in Education class. I am suppose to use blogs, Movie Maker, use link things in my blogs, etc....LOTS of stuff I am not sure how to do. So we will have to take this class to Jesus.

    How are the girls? Have you had a good week?
