Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of School

Today was the 1st day of school. Oh how I already love my 2nd graders and their excitment that they bring. I enjoyed watching Mrs. Pickens as she reacted to unexpected comments, thoughts, and opinions that were shared throughout the day. She is such a pro.

Mrs. Pickens really includes me and allows me to be a part of all that is going on during the day. I appreciate this so much. I am already hearing of stories that other student interns have shared with me and I realize that the reality in my classroom is not the case for others. I am thankful and blessed. My only hope is that I will be able to repay Mrs. Pickens for her hard work and investment in me by becoming a successful teacher myself one day.

After school was over for the 2nd graders, it was time for WCUers to begin....at least for me it was. My two girlfriends (who are also Student Interns) and I carpool to WCU. It really is wonderful to have these two girls to chat with on the way and back, share ideas, and have class with once we get on campus. However, tonight, once we got out of class at 9pm, it was a quiet trip home. We were all feeling a bit overwhelmed on this 2nd day of school at WCU.

**This is my last semester of classes. Next semester, I will be student teaching each day of the Spring Semester. I will be putting into practice all that I am learning now. I know that this education is currently and will continue to pay off, but it certainly is difficult for now.

I covet the prayers of those of you who will remember me as I tackle this semester. That I may finish strong for Jesus!


  1. Sis you'll do great. Just lean on Him at all times, He'll get you through it! If you are like me, sometimes (usually the tough ones) you think you can do it alone...but it is those times that you might want to lean a little harder on the Lord's shoulder...they are much much stronger and can handle it when we think that we cannot. It will be a challenging semester for you - but you can and will do it and you will spread the love of Jesus the entire time...b/c that is just how awesome you are! Love you! Deej.

  2. We will definitely be praying for you! You have been such a blessing to Scott and I am so glad that in the busyness of your life, it still worked out for you to be at the theater some too!
