It seems as though the month of July has come and gone. Today, being the 29th, there are only 2 more days of the month. Part of me feels like the month has flown by, another part of me feels like the month began such a long time ago. The month of June was certainly busy all on its own, however, when July 1st hit, the business got busier and the crazy got crazier.
Disney's Beauty & The Beast ran from June 24-27 at the theatre. VBS began at our church on June 27 and lasted through July 1. There was a movie at the theatre June 28 and a show on June 29, I Love a Piano. We had a break on June 30, which served as "the calm before the storm".
July 1st - July 4th, the theatre was hopping. The theatre hosted The Inspiration's Independence Weekend, which consisted of 6 events combining the concerts and chapel meetings.
July 3rd, the town did the 4th of July Celebration in the Park because the 4th landed on a Sunday. I was able to finish at the theatre to meet Brandon and watch the fireworks. Since I had come straight from work, I didn't have my camera or anything... :( We were able to find Mama, Daddy, & Lucas n the midst of the madness at the park and sit with them for the firework show. Lucas loved them.
July 7th - David Crowder Band
July 9 - Little River Band
July 13 - Lary Gatlin & the Gatlin Brothers (2:30 & 7:30 show)
July 16 - Doc Watson & David Holt
July 12 - 16 - I would leave from work and go straight to Brandon's parent's house, where Terry was helping with create "crews" for World Changers. (That is a totally different post all in itself, more to come)
**Somewhere in all of this there were three movies, but I can't remember what or when they were**
July 24 - Beatles Tribute
July 25 - Recuperate from World Changers
July 26 - 28 - Worked during the day, had a couple lunch dates, rested in the evenings
July 29 - TODAY - we have Folkmoot at the theatre
July 30 - Point of Grace & Laura Story
July 31 - DOLLYWOOD with Brandon, Lucas, & McKenzie!!!
As you can tell, this month has been nuts, as it has been for everyone else as well, I'm sure. Brandon and I have tagged team on all necessities of life - grocery store, laundry, getting the mail.... you know, things that have to be done, but get tossed to the wayside until you reach the vital point of no milk in the fridge, a packed mail box, and heaps of laundry. If it were not for Brandon and his unfailing willingness to "keep everything going" it would have been a disastrous 30 days. So here is a shout out to Brandon. Thank you for all you have done this month just to keep life going.