January 3rd, a new journey began for the Breedloves. I began a new job, at Mountain View Intermediate School.

I have to admit, I was not prepared for all that this position would bring. For starters, I would have NEVER chosen to put myself in a math position of any kind. I did not realize until I had began this job that the reason why I would have never put myself in math was because without knowing it, I was intimidated by math.
In the position I am in, I go to three different math classes. In each class, I work with students, help them begin on their homework, and help the math teachers by providing different math resources like videos, Activboard flip charts, and worksheets.
Although I was taken back, overwhelmed, and in a complete whirl-wind upon starting this position, the last four weeks have been and will continue to be extremely beneficial to my teacher career. Basically, my job is to serve the teachers so that they can better serve the students they teach. I truely feel as though my job is to serve Christ by serving the people around me and at this point in time, the people that I serve are educators. It's exciting!
By taking this position, I see three different math teachers using the math strategies that work for them and their students. I am taking notes of the classroom management and classroom organization methods that each of the teachers use. On a daily basis, I watch the makings of a classroom and watching students find success.
I am so incredibly thankful for the chance to get my foot in the door within the School System. Although the budget doesn't look good for Education across the State, I am hopeful that this interim position will lead to a permanent position that allows me to invest into the lives of children in Macon County.
I have most definitely missed being at the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts, missed the people I worked with there, and the job I did. The atmosphere at the theatre is just a fun place to be and I enjoyed being a part of something that our community valued and appreciated. I have not completely left the theatre as I am still planning on being there on show nights, so I will still get to see the people and the community.
So there you have it. The last few weeks have been full of adjustments in many ways - making new schedules, falling into new routines, and and settling into new roles.
Regardless, we asked the Lord to lead me into a job and we trust that this position was His answer to our prayer for me to have a place to serve.
glad you're getting into the routine! Can't wait to hear more!