Friday, March 5, 2010

Decisions, Decisions....

Sometimes, it just isn't fun having to make "grown-up decisions".

The last time I had to face a decision like this, I was choosing between which sport I was going to participate in for the Spring. Was I going to play community league softball or was I going to run track for the Middle School. Daddy and Moma had told me I could participate in one sport, however, I could not do two at one time. To me, I thought my life was over. This was the most difficult decision I had EVER had to make in my entire life of 13 years! How on earth were my parents expecting me to make this choice?!?!
Of course, I was convinced that I was the only student at MMS that would ever have to make such a decision. My parents would talk to me about both sports, the pros and cons of each, all the things you do when you are making a decision.
In the end, I chose to run track for Macon Middle School. It was a new experience, a new sport, but it certainly wasn't softball, my true love. Also in the end, my parents were right. Yes, that's what I said, they were right. They had felt that it was not in my best interest to be on an Activity Bus two nights a week while I juggled softball practice, track practice, softball games, track meets, homework, church, and everything else that was going on in the life of our family of six. Now, looking back, and in so many other ways that just this one circumstance, I am ever so grateful for their insight, guidance, and their unconditional love.

Anyhow, since that time, just as I grew, the decisions I would be faced with did as well. I went from choosing which sport to play, to which college to attend, to what to major in, etc. Since that time, I have graduated high school, community college, I have gotten married and there are even still so many BIG decisions to make in the future. Which leads me to where I am now. Faced with yet, another decision.

At this point, I haven't come to a conclusion, however, I do admit this decision has been the center of my concentration. The reason why this is so incredibly difficult is because I know that regardless to what conclusion I come to, my heart will have reason to celebrate as well as have reason to break. (I feel as though could have been a quote from The Bachelor :))

A few things I am so thankful for, while I go through this process in my life are:
1) God. He reminds me not to stress, simply come to Him.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. - Phillipians 4:6
2) My ever sweet best friend and husband, Brandon.
He has encouraged me, let me cry and holds me when I do, vent my frustrations, and has been so incredibly patient with me as I work my way through this decision as it has became a part of our lives.

*Please join Brandon and I in prayer as we seek the Lord's guidance. In everything that we do, ultimately, we want to return praise to Him. We were created for the sole purpose of worshiping King Jesus and that is our aspiration, to worship the King.*


  1. I know the feeling, friend!! I will be praying for you! I have the utmost confidence that you will make the best decision.

  2. I think we all hate having to make decisions, especially when we know that it will have some adverse effect on someone or something we are already used too. I hate making decisions. It must be in our blood. However, I will pray for guidance and understanding.
    I love you and Brandon dearly.
