Wednesday, what began as a non-eventful day for me, progressed into an exciting afternoon. As the ConnectEd phone call came at 7:30am, informing of the school closing, I soon received another call from my sister-in-law, Natasha. Trimont had cancelled school as well, however, Southwestern Community College only had a 2-hour delay. Therefore, I kept McK while Tasha was in school. She got to my house (where she says it is boring, because I do not have toys) around 9am. We played for a little while here at home, then I decided I could take her to Cartoogechaye with me while I worked a little there. She loved it there. She felt like a "big girl" because she was at the "big school". At the school, she made two new friends: Maddie and Allie. They played with her in the gym, she hasn't quit talking about them.
After we left the school, McK and I met Brandon at The Factory for lunch. We ate pizza with Brandon and then it was time to play! As we were walking out into The Factory, we had a special treat! Papa had brought Lucas to play with us! This was extremely exciting for the two...they were about to bust when they saw each other.
Papa went to help Jeff with the Hope for Haiti Buckets and left Lucas with us. We went straight to the "big slide". I helped them get their shoes off and then they were off....
Brandon and I sat down to watch, we had sat there for a few moments and Brandon said, "Well, Nance, I have to get back to work." Um...what?
So there I was, with McK and Lucas. It wasn't no where near as bad as I thought it could have turned, they were both really good and listened (for the most part). I mean really, they are 3 and 4 years old, in the middle of a children's arcade. They did GREAT now that I think back on it.
They love each other so much and it was so fun getting to watch them interact with one another and play. They are special kids....
It was a great way to spend our "snow day".

SO sweet! I love it! And my favorite picture is the one of McK on the bottom of the slide... she's a little bit sassy, and I love it! :)
ReplyDeleteok I'm not sure how I missed this post...but anyway, I'm glad that those two birds had a good time. They are so precious. I love them.