Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Girls Day Out

February 15th, President's Day was suppose to have been a holiday, with no public school. However, due to the snow, the 15th was turned into a school day to make up from a day we missed earlier. When we woke up on the morning of the 15th, public school had been cancelled due to the snow that had fallen over the weekend. I was oh so glad (even though we had to make up this school day on the following Saturday) the roads were okay in town, allowing me to get out and about.

I picked up McKenzie, my niece who didn't have school anyhow, and we went to get our nails done. She had so much fun! She sat nice and still, very excited about the hot pink polish and sparkles going on her nails.

I love days like this that McK and I get to spend together.


  1. PRECIOUS! Absolutely precious! What a good auntie you are :)

  2. Looks like you two had a really good time! She told me all about it at lunch. Such a sweet girl!
