Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Posts

God's Sweet Provision
A Girl's Day Out
January 2010


God's Sweet Provision

The sole purpose of this post is to speak of God's greatness and His provision.

It is necessary for me to share some background information:

My brother passed away 3 1/2 years ago. At that point, my sister-in-law Natasha, made the decision to stay home with their 1 month old baby girl, McKenzie. Since then, Natasha would share her thoughts about going back to school, an interest in going into cosmetology. Every time she looked into it, the class would either be full or she would be too scared to go through with it.

This past semester proved to be no different. She looked into the class, it was full.

Along with all these thoughts, Tasha shared her concern for McK, that maybe it was time to put her in childcare of some sort, so she could interact with other children her age. Tasha had McKenzie's name on a few waiting lists, but had heard nothing for over six months from any of them.

Natasha considered this to be, what was meant to be....


January 3rd, 2010, Natasha got a phone call at home. It was the Department Head of the Cosmetology Department at Southwestern Community College. She told Natasha that a student had dropped the class and there was now one spot available in the class. She asked Tasha if she wanted it. Although Tasha was thankful that she was thought of, she had to think about McKenzie. Tasha had stayed at home with McK since she had been born. She would now be looking for childcare, not for a day or two, but for a year and a half as she completed her education. This was something she did not plan on being faced with when she woke up this morning. The lady on the other end of the phone had to know THAT SAME DAY about whether or not she wanted the available spot. She asked Natasha to call her back within a few hours. Before they hung up, the lady on the other end of the phone added, "Just so you know, classes begin tomorrow."

Tasha hung up with the Department Head, just to pick up the phone and call her mom about the phone call. While she was explaining all that the lady had said and how she appreciated the call, she could not commit to taking the classes, as she did not have ANY childcare ideas. In the midst of all her explaining, Tasha had a beep on the phone. Someone else was calling. She said bye to her mom and beeped over to the new caller.

She answered the new call. She didn't recognize the voice on the other end. Of course, she didn't. How could she? She had not heard it in more than six months before. This is what she heard... "Mrs. Holland? This is (her name, not sure what it was). I am calling from the Preschool Department from Trimont. I am calling to inform you that our 3 year old class has one available spot, and your daughter, McKenzie's name is next on our list. Are you interested in this spot?" Natasha was in awe. She quickly told the lady she was interested in the available spot in the class for McK. The talked a little more about the specifics and before they ended the call, the lady added, "Just so you know, she can begin tomorrow."

Natasha was stunned. She couldn't believe that within one hour, she went from being a stay at home mom, to a full time student. She went from having no one to watch McK, to having McK enrolled in an established preschool.

Up to this point, they had done everything together. They went on walks together, to the grocery store together, run errands together, everything they did, they did it together. On January 4th, the very next day, Natasha and McK woke up to a very different day, but sort of the same: the both went to school.

Through this, God has reminded all of us of His provision. He supplies all our needs, just when we need them. Not too early, not too late. Right on time.

“Jehovah who created all things is equal to every emergency; heaven and earth are at the disposal of Him who made them, therefore let be very joyful in our infinite helper.”
~ Charles Spurgeon


McK loves going to preschool! She says she loves her friends because they wear pink. She is so proud and feels like a "big girl" because she has a lunch box of her own....

Stay tuned, I'm sure there will be more preschool updates to come.

A Girls Day Out

February 15th, President's Day was suppose to have been a holiday, with no public school. However, due to the snow, the 15th was turned into a school day to make up from a day we missed earlier. When we woke up on the morning of the 15th, public school had been cancelled due to the snow that had fallen over the weekend. I was oh so glad (even though we had to make up this school day on the following Saturday) the roads were okay in town, allowing me to get out and about.

I picked up McKenzie, my niece who didn't have school anyhow, and we went to get our nails done. She had so much fun! She sat nice and still, very excited about the hot pink polish and sparkles going on her nails.

I love days like this that McK and I get to spend together.

Friday, February 26, 2010

January 2010

I can't believe that I am just now sitting down to blog. The last post I had, was "A Sad Day in 2nd Grade", which was posted on January 5th. So much has happened since then and I doubt I will be able to think of everything that has taken place. I promise to do better with the blog. :)

January 4th, Macon County Schools started back to school from Christmas break. This Spring Semester, I am on the schedule of the local school systems, not WCU. Therefore, I began school on the 4th. Immediately, as school began, I had to begin "fade in". My Coordinating Teacher and I worked together so that I could fade into the role of the full time teacher. The goal was to be completely faded in within two weeks, beginning full time student teaching, January 25th.

January 21st, Brandon and I went to Nashville, TN, along with my parents. I am serving as the Project Coordinator for World Changers in Franklin this summer. I look forward to serving in this capacity. In Nashville, we attended a Coordinator's Retreat, as we reviewed the policies of the projects and made preparations for the summer. Although it was WONDERFUL getting to visit with people I had not seen since 2004 and 2005, it was extremely stressful for me to know that I would be taking over full time student teaching on Monday, the next time we had school. I felt like I needed to be planning for the upcoming Monday, rather than the week long project in July, however, the conference was necessary as well as enjoyable and I was so thankful to visit and catch up with friends I had not seen in years.

January 25th, Student Teaching began! I was super excited about this portion of my education to begin. I remember January 14th, 2008, the day I began WCU, Student Teaching seemed so far away. Now, here it was. I am so extremely thankful for the opportunity to have gone back to school. God has provided for Brandon and I in so many ways - ways that we could not provide for ourselves. This week was a little overwhelming, however, I was thankful to have a beginning and know that I was on my way to graduation.

Although I was beginning my student teaching on Monday, the 25th, I had planned and talked to my Coordinating Teacher, Angie, about leaving right after school on Friday to go scrapbooking. I was so excited about getting the opportunity to spend time with special ladies and just hang out. Angie found out from Brooke, the assistant in our classroom, who was going with me for the weekend, that the trip really began Thursday night, that I was just going on Friday so I didn't have to miss school on Friday. Once she realized this, she encouraged me to go with Brooke on Thursday evening and miss school on Friday. I am so thankful for Angie. So, four days into my student teaching, I missed Friday so I could go scrapbooking for the weekend. The great news is: I completed my wedding album!!! Forget the fact we have been married for 2 1/2 years, I am just happy to have it complete! While we were gone to the cabin scrapbooking, we missed the "big snow" in Franklin.

This pretty much wraps up my January. It was certainly busy to say the least. I kept thinking through the month how I really needed to blog, and am reminded now, how necessary it is for me to keep up with it. :)