Thursday, December 31, 2009


Yet again, December proved to be the most busiest month of the year. The kick-off was actually in November, the day before Thanksgiving when I put up the Christmas tree and all other Christmas decorations. Thanksgiving was spent at each of our parents' house. The next day, Brandon "trooped up" and went shopping with me. Yes, that is right, the day after Thanksgiving, Brandon went shopping! Saturday, Nov. 28th, I went to see the Radio City Rockettes at the Fox Theatre. This was great fun, as I had never been to the Fox nor had I been to a Radio City Rockette Show. On the 30th, Brandon and I took McKenzie to Dollywood. It was a blast! McKenzie loved it and she took up a pretty tight bond with Brandon. My favorite part of the day was hearing the excitement in her voice and seeing the magic of Christmas in her eyes. What a special girl! This was a great way to end November, but then it was on to December!

The beginning of December was dedicated to school, in every way. My focus was on completing my internship, meeting the final project due dates and passing my semester finals. I took my very last final as an undergraduate of Western Carolina on December 15th, the same day I got the results from my Teaching Licensure Test, The Praxis (dun...dun...dunnn), which, I PASSED! *big sigh* However, also on the 15th, was Brandon's Nanny's funeral. The week before she passed away, we spent the majority of our time at the nursing home with her. Nanny was in many ways like a mother to Brandon and his brothers. She was a special lady and her legacy lives on.

The rest of the month was sprinkled with theatre shows of The Gift of Christmas, a few Christmas movies at the theatre, a graduation party, wrapping gifts, cleaning house, and baking. Not to mention all the Christmas festivities on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The removal of Christmas decorations although we do not put "Christmas away" and preparing for a brand new year!

*As soon as I get copies of pictures from Sandy and Moma that they took, I will post them*
But for now, here are a few Christmas decorations.

Our Christmas Tree

The Fireplace

"The stockings were hung by the chimney with care..."

Dining Room

Willowtree Nativity

(which now has a camel, donkey, and a Shepherd)

Dining Room Table

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