Monday, October 18, 2010

A New Addition to the Breedlove Family...

(I bet that title perked some interest...ha.ha.)

For a while now Brandon and I have been talking and praying with one another about a very specific topic. For over a year now, I have been learning about Compassion International. This organization is very dear and near to the heart of my boss, Scott and his wife Sarah. Since I have worked at the theatre, since July of 2009, I have been learning more and more about Compassion and their ministry all around the world.
In May of this year, Brandon and I began praying about whether or not we had a role to play in this ministry. We felt God leading us towards sponsoring a child.
Last week, the theatre hosted an Evening with Compassion with Charlie Hall & Shaun Groves. It was a great night to worship! I came to the theatre that afternoon and walked into the lobby. Scott had just finished setting out all the packets of children that were needing to be sponsored by someone. I stood there and looked at every single one! As I stood there looking at each packet, I was overwhelmed as I knew that each child was in need of a sponsor and I couldn't only commit to sponsor one (for now). How in the world would I choose? I kept looking and fighting back tears all the while. I made mention to Scott that some of the children had such a blank look on their face - no smile, not even a frown really, but a blank look. I will never forget what he said in response: "That is the look of hopelessness." Since I heard those words, even though it has only been a week, I don't think I will ever look at the blank looks of children ever the same. Regardless to where I see those "blank looks" - in a classroom in the U.S. or in another country, I will always identify those looks with the words Scott passed along to me, "the look of hopelessness".
When I looked down to the middle of the table, covered in packets of children waiting to be sponsored, I saw the Diana. I looked at her information on the side of her envelope.
It said: Diana - birthdate: Sept. 29, 2007
Her birthday is September 29, 2007. The day she was born was the day that Brandon and I got married! So I chose Diana or maybe, Diana chose me. :)
Diana is 3 years old and lives in Ecuador. In our sponsoring Diana, she will be able to go to school, get health care, and have her basic needs met. Brandon and I will write to her and we will get responding letters though it may be from Compassion Worker updating us on Diana and as she learns to read and write herself, we will get letters from her!
I am extremely excited about having the opportunity to be a part of something that is much larger than ourselves - having a part of releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name. And there is something even more exciting - you have the same opportunity to be a part of this. All you have to do is go to and you can find lots of information on the ministry of Compassion International, but be ready, you never know when a child may choose you!

So glad you could meet Diana Breedlove. :)


  1. oh my gosh nancy... she is precious... bless this poor baby...

  2. Nancy, I love how you shared about this... it brought tears to my eyes! Diana is just beautiful, and to think how her life will change because of you & Brandon - it's so exciting! Maybe when Maggie & I go to Ecuador in a year or so, you can come with us & meet Diana! I so well remember when I met my sponsored girl, Monica, in Guatemala. Her mom actually told me that they considered me a "second mom". And my parents sponsored quite a few LDP students in Kenya & when I got to meet them, they told me that they called themselves the "Drake family". SO yes, I think she would be proud that you call her "Diana Breedlove" :) :) Love you, friend!
