2 words for you: accidental hiatus. I have so much to share and to blog about. I sat down about two weeks ago to try to catch up, but ran into a little snag. I was looking for my card reader and my camera card so I could post pictures, when Brandon brought it to me. The reason why I couldn't find either of these things was because they were in the pocket of my jeans, which were in the WASHING MACHINE! Thankfully, the camera card still read perfectly in my camera, which was my main concern. Unfortunately, I can not say the same about the card reader. :( Still I have not gotten another card reader, but it is most definitely on my to-do list. Until then, we are doing well, busy as always, and way behind on blogging. In case we actually have regular readers, this is just a friendly notification that the hiatus will soon be over. :) Happy Wednesday!