This week I began the last semester of my Internship at a local elementary school. Within a few weeks, I will be beginning my student teaching in 2nd grade. I have been in this classroom from the beginning of the school year and have enjoyed every minute of it. Although I have been swamped in Elementary Education for the last 2 years of my life, I am not surprised to say that I feel as though the "training" really began in August and will continue not only through May when I graduate, but my first year of teaching will in deed, be a training ground for me.
I have had the opportunity to get to know each student in my class. From August to December I was in this classroom three days a week. This allowed me time to know the students' likes and dislikes and their abilities and struggles, all while I was getting more and more attached to them. During the first semester, I was extremely excited to know that when we returned from our Christmas break, I would be spending everyday with the students and having a great time with them as we share my student teaching experience together.
Over the Christmas break, I missed the students, but there was one that I thought of regularly. Her name is Wintam. Wintam is an Asian student that makes me laugh everyday. Each day in the classroom, Wintam's Asian culture can be identified through her actions and the way she responds to her friends and teachers. She is extremely serious and doesn't really know how to take it when her friends are joking with her or if they are being silly. I have loved watching her respond to daily interactions. Through the last four months, Wintam and I have become friends.
I was excited to begin my student teaching, knowing that Wintam would be a part of this experience and would make it an experience that I would never forget as I will never student teach again.
Monday, January 4th, was the first day back from Christmas break. That morning, we went around the room, sharing what we did special over the break. Most students were sharing about the presents they got for Christmas, others were sharing about their trips to visit family. Wintam shared that she had moved to a new house. At first, I didn't really think a lot about this, simply because she was at school. However, Tuesday, the day after, Wintam did not show up for school. After my Coordinating Teacher made a phone call to the front office, we learned that Wintam had been moved to another school district.
Since August we have had students that have joined us in our classroom, but I had not had to experience a student leaving. After I cried. Yes, I cried. I quickly reminded myself that this will happen every year. Students come and go from a classroom. Although I must get used to this, I do not have to like it.
This week I have thought a lot about Wintam. My prayer for Wintam is that she grows up to be whatever she dreams to be. Right now, it is to be a painter, but I hope she finds the confidence and will power to become all she dreams to be.
I am thankful to have been given the last four months to spend with Wintam. She has taught me how to be a better teacher and she left me changed.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!
Last night, New Year's Eve, Brandon and I went to Jeff & Brooke's house. We had dinner and played games to bring in the new year. We had a great time, as always when we are at their house.
Jeff and Brooke are not only wonderful friends, but are the example of what a missional lifestyle is all about. I'm thankful for their friendship, mentorship, and encouragement.
I have included some pictures of us playing Guesstures. This was the first time I had played so it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I do not have pictures of Brandon or Allie because they were on my team and I was too busy guessing. I did have a picture of Jeff, but it is too blury to post.

Jeff and Brooke are not only wonderful friends, but are the example of what a missional lifestyle is all about. I'm thankful for their friendship, mentorship, and encouragement.
Happy New Year!
I have included some pictures of us playing Guesstures. This was the first time I had played so it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I do not have pictures of Brandon or Allie because they were on my team and I was too busy guessing. I did have a picture of Jeff, but it is too blury to post.

Winter Wonderland
I must admit I am not the biggest fan of snow, however, it was beautiful as it fell. It wasn't long before the show at the theatre that night was cancelled and our little town began to shut down. These are pictures from our back porch. The attempts of pictures of the two of us didn't turn out so well.

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